Wednesday 18 March 2009

I love China

I'm not sure why but i think the place grows on you. I'm becoming so content with walking around and doing my own thing. And i'm getting by. I'm becoming street wise in Shenyang. I've stopped using supermarkets so much and i rely on the little old vegetable lady outside my building and the little fruit shop nearby and the other smaller, more friendly shops.

I'd like to think that one day i could come back here. Not sure for how long or what to do. But the people and the place, i dunno, it's good. That's all i can say. I really like living this way.

That's not to say i don't miss home. I'm ready to go home now if i could. I do miss everyone so much. But i wanted to reassure those who thought i might be hating it. I'm not. There was always hope. I'm happy.

Frightening children into submission. Or hitting them. Still not sure how to deal with seeing it everyday. It's not the debate of right or wrong that concerns me, it's the cultural acceptance of the practice and what it achieves. I don't think it's the most productive, but it's quick. And in China, time is passing by for these people. There's always things to do, learn, sell or see. Time can't be wasted on my 'naughty step' methods i guess. Odd. Different.

My laptop was half way to being fixed, until two rebellious screws decided nothing (and i mean nothing) was going to budge them. Trying has halted in case i hurl my laptop or have a seizure.

I played the guitar for my students for the first time today. They loved it. I'll definately be doing that again. I'm glad it worked. Somthing new and different to catch their attention. Plus they all seem to respect me more. Which is fun, gone are the days of carrying things or picking up dropped things. These kids just wanna be my slaves. And who am i to say no? :P

[INSERT NOTE: The author of this blog has merely made a joke and in no way agrees with child slavery or anything attactched to it. Any offense that has been taken can call 2341383647 for more information.]

On St Paddy's Day i drank free green beer at my local. VERY ODD. But kinda nice. It was nice to get out of the apartment and from lesson planning and work.

I will end this now, love and hugs to everyone.



  1. good im glad u like china i have to know why is their and insert note did u do that or did the site lol

  2. You need a good screwdriver with good grip. Try wrapping a cloth round the handle. Dont let the screwdriver twist without turning the screw or it will round off the screw head and then you'll have a big problem.

    I sound like such a Dad.

    Älskar dig också.

  3. Hey Rach, here is a little message from Moni....


    Love Joy and Moni

  4. Hey Rachel.
    Glad to hear that you are doing well.
    Cannot believe you have been gone that long.
    Hope things continue to go well.
    And see you when you get back!!!
    - Jemma xxx
