Thursday, 26 February 2009

Here I am...

My friend Daniel just messaged me on facebook and used the line: "I could get lost in a cup of water with enough alcohol in my veins". Love it. Add to that he's spanish and really funny! It's all good. Good times.

This conversation began with me asking if he got home alright last night. Me and Thyra had a few of the Shengyang Massive over for some belated pancakes. We had to educated her, the other Swede and Daniel about Pancake day and the meaning behind it.

It's the cutest thing, we have a girl called Karla from Mexico out here with us and because it's so cold, naturally it snowed, bless her though, she'd never seen snow before. Then we had to get the train to Shengyang, 1st time on a train. Then we found all these ice formation things from pipes and she was so excited. She's discovering new things everyday, it must be really exciting for her. All i have is 'Oh, Chinese Snow, cool.' Well it's slightly more than that, but in comparison! She's also very cold. She comes out in about 14 layers. She's so sweet. And she speaks the best Manderin so we really need her! :P

I know have internet in my apartment. Had to pay to have it installed but it's so worth it. Thyra's laptop doesn't run on wondows but on Lenux, so if anyone knows how on earth you add a broadband connection to her laptop, please tell me ASAP. Otherwisxe we'll both be sharing mine for the internet for the next 5 months. Not a problem but i'm sure she'd appreciate her own.

I went to visit my school today. It's so sweet. All the walls, floors, radiators, ceilings, chairs, tables, everything is a different colour. It's REALLY clean and really tidy. Not sure how long that'll be kept up but apparently they do put these kids in little pollution/dirt free bubbles. It's the walking to and from school that could harm them, but they all have little pollution masks (as do i now). Some kindies insist on health checks for teachers before teaching/spending time with the kids. Very strange. But understandable i guess.

I've been instructed that i am not there to teach, that's what their English teachers are for. No, i'm to bring English culture into the classroom and just talk at them and play games with them. I think they just want the kids to interact with a Westerner and learn to trust them or something. I dunno. There is an element of teaching to be fair. It's actually really hard not to include some teaching, especially since i've spent the last month learning how to teach. But my school has basically given me free reign, do what i like and be paid for it. So i think i'll teach them some stuff, as well as play lots of games and be the cool, much loved teacher.

I have a desk too. It's normal looking. And a cushion on my chair. No more to say on that.

I'm going skiiing this weekend too! Hopefully i won't break any bones before i start work on Monday!

I have to go and shower now. My instrument of drying today, a bath sheet. Don't ask.

Love and hugs to you all. Emails are on their way. And in the next few weeks i should be on skype a bit more or MSN or whatever so maybe we can chat. And i've uploaded a snippit of photos on facebook incase you haven't seen. And Craig, i'll get your new number when i get back. I'm juggling 3 sim cards and 2 phones right now so i don't know what's going on.

Love love to everyone!


  1. "But my school has basically given me free reign, do what i like and be paid for it."

    Do you understand just how much fun you could have with this :P

    You're going to tell them at least one false thing though right? I mean, you would be like their Stephen Fry, they'll believe everything you say and BOOM they suddenly think MP's all carry swords or there's a town in the Devon Countryside where we send all our old people.

    And teach them about Jeremy Kyle.

  2. Of course i'll teach them something wrong. But it needs to be relevant to at the very least a 6 year old.
